ValidiFI API (v4)

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REST API service for clients of ValidiFI



Enter JWT Bearer token only

Security Scheme Type HTTP
HTTP Authorization Scheme bearer
Bearer format "JWT"


One RESTful API Connection

Integrate our CONNECT, INSIGHTS, and TRANSACT services directly into your platform using our CONNECT widget and JSON based REST API. Get the best of both worlds by pairing our CONNECT widget with the API. Your customers will have the option to CONNECT by logging into their bank account or entering their account information manually. ValidiFI will store and tokenize your customer's information so you do not have to worry about the storing, security, and compliance of PII and account information. You will receive an account token which will allow you to create payments or perform INSIGHTS analytics on your customers and their bank accounts using our API'.

Getting Started

Getting Started with our API

Our RESTful API allows you to integrate our services directly into your applications.Store customers and accounts,create and manage payments,and perform account and risk verifications.Services available in our API are also available through this website to interact within a user-friendly interface.

Much of our website is interactive,and most of the functions of our API are also available in a designed portal through our website.For example,you can add customers through the API,but then see these same customers on our website.You can add customers through the website and pull them from the API.


All customers,payments,risk verifications,API endpoints,etc.accessed through our test environment are separate from production.Payments created through our test website or test API will not process.

Once your implementation is complete,you can use our production environment to go live.This involves a different API address and different integration keys.

Test website:
Production website:
Sandbox API:
Production API:

Access Control and IP Address Restrictions

The public IP address that is calling our API must be added to the white-list in production, or else you will receive an Unauthorized response from the API. This is not a requirement for testing in our sandbox environment. To white-list an IP address in production, you must contact ValidiFI support. In, you can see your white-listed IP addresses from the API home page.

Obtaining A Token

The first step to interacting with our API is to obtain a BEARER token. To do this,you will need your clientId and clientSecret Credentials are available in the API section of the web portal. Your token will expire 20 minutes from creation (time frame subject to change). When you obtain your token, cache the token and use it for every call to our server until it expires. The expiration time will accompany your token.

To obtain a token, make a POST call to /v4/token

Request Body schema:


Request samples

Content type
  • "clientId": "<your client_id>",
  • "clientSecret": "<your client_secret>",
  • "grantType": "client_credentials"

Response samples

Content type
  • "accessToken": "<your long token string>",
  • "tokenType": "Bearer",
  • "expiresOn": "2023-12-15T17:38:30.0860591+00:00"


Get Accounts

Retrieving Accounts

You can retrieve an account using the token that was provided at the time the account was created. If you have an enrollment token rather than an account token, you will first need to save the account using the enrollment token, which will provide an account token. You can also obtain all accounts for a customer using the associated customer Id. This is helpful in scenarios where you add a customer's account to their portfolio, then let the user chose at the time of payment what account to use. This scenario eliminates the need to capture account tokens using the widget - The use of the widget will save the account and associate it with your customer. Then, when you are ready to create a payment, call this endpoint without an accountTokenId or customerId parameter to bring back a list of all enrolled accounts.

To retreive the latest balance you will need to pass the query parameter updateBalance=true. The service will attempt to get the balance from the customers account; however, the financial institution may request additional login information or MFA answers from the customer before retrieving the balance on the account. You will need to look at the date and time returned in the lastUpdated field. If the date and time has not been updated within last 24 hours, then you will need to launch the enrollment widget in update mode to update the credentials and/or answer MFA on the account before a new balance is pulled for the account.
bearer (Policy:Roles:AuthenticationSchemes:)
query Parameters

The accountTokenId for the retrieve accounts request


The customerId for the retrieve accounts request

integer <int32>
Default: 0

The merchantId associated with the account record

Default: false

If set to true, the service will attempt to retrieve the latest balance on the account


Request samples

using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class Program
  public static async Task Main(string[] args)
    using (var client = new HttpClient())
      client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Bearer <YOUR_JWT_HERE>");
      var request = await client.GetAsync("");
      var response = await request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();


Response samples

Content type
  • "accountResults": [

Create/Modify Accounts

Creating an Account

We recommend adding accounts using our enrollment widget. Using our enrollment widget keeps all sensitive data, such as account numbers and online banking credentials, out of your environment and stored securely in our environment. In addition, our enrollment widget offers alternative methods of enrolling your bank account, such as using your online banking credentials to obtain the routing and account numbers. For more information about our enrollment widget, or to see a demo of how the widget works, please visit our Widgets home page.

If you create an account using our enrollment widget, the use of the widget replaces this step. The widget will create the account and return an account token (account ID), which you can use the same way you would use the account token returned from this API call

To create account(s) directly from the API (not the widget), you will need to obtain your customer's routing number, account number, and account type for each account.

You will also need to create a customer first. You will provide the CustomerId in your POST call for each account add, which will associate the account with the customer.

To create the account, send a POST call to /accounts/ You can provide a unique account token to reference this account, or leave the token empty and a unique GUID will be created as the token. This token can then be used to reference this account in the future or to make a payment using this account.

Once an account is added to a customer, it will be visible through our website by looking up the customer. To update the account, you must delete it and create a new account.

You may also be required to create an address and phone number, and have their respective IDs available
Depending on your contract with ValidiFI, address and/or phone number may be required
If an address or phone number is required, and it is not provided, you will receive a 400 - Bad Request error

Routing Number Validation
You are required to validate the authenticity of each routing number before being submitted for processing. This step should be performed at the time the routing number is accepted or entered.
To validate a routing number:
  • Multiply the first, fourth, and seventh digits of the routing number by three (3)
  • Multiply the second, fifth, and eigth digits of the routing number by seven (7)
  • Multiply the third, sixth, and ninth digits of the routing number by one (1)
  • Add all of the products of the above three steps together
  • If the sum of step 4 is divisible by 10, then the routing number is valid
For example:
```int sum = (RT[0] x 3) + (RT[1] x 7) + RT[2] + (RT[3] x 3) + (RT[4] x 7) + RT[5] + (RT[6] x 3) + (RT[7] x 7) + RT[8];
if (sum % 10 == 0) return true; else return false;
If you submit a routing number that does not pass the above algorithm, you will receive a 400 - Bad Request error

Account Tokenization

When an account is created, it's sensitive information is securely stored and becomes inaccessible. This protects you and your customer's sensitive data, so that no account information can be retrieved from our API. A token is then used to reference the account any time a payment is created or information about an account is requested.

You can provide your own account token to this endpoint. The token you provide could be a reference number to something in your own system. If no token is provided when you create the account, a unique GUID will be created as the token. You can store this token in your system and use it for reference or rely on our GET /accounts endpoint to bring up a list of accounts each time a payment is created.

There are no endpoints available to return a full account number from our API. (Limit 1000 changes per batch)
bearer (Policy:Roles:AuthenticationSchemes:)
Request Body schema:

AccountPostBatchRequest object

Array of objects (AccountRequest)

The list of AccountRequest objects for the posting batch.


Request samples

Content type
  • "accountRequests": [

Response samples

Content type
  • "accountBatchResponses": [
  • "accountResults": [

Delete Account

Deleting/Closing Accounts

To remove an account, make a DELETE call to this endpoint. Deleted accounts are soft-deleted from our system, and will have a status of Closed. Once deleted (closed), you will still be able to access this account, but will be unable to schedule payments from it.
Once an account has been deleted, it cannot be re-opened.

This will stop future scheduled payments from processing from this account. Payments that are scheduled to run the current business day may still process.

(Limit 1000 deletes per batch)
bearer (Policy:Roles:AuthenticationSchemes:)
query Parameters
Array of strings

The list of accountTokenIds associated with accounts to delete. (either generated when the account was initially provided, or provided by you)


Request samples

using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class Program
  public static async Task Main(string[] args)
    using (var client = new HttpClient())
      client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Bearer <YOUR_JWT_HERE>");
      var request = await client.DeleteAsync("");
      var response = await request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();


Response samples

Content type
  • "accountBatchResponses": [

Get Customers

This procedure returns all customers (with applicable parameters) that the user has permission to access

bearer (Policy:Roles:AuthenticationSchemes:)
query Parameters

customerId parameter


addressId parameter (customer Id must also be supplied)


phoneId parameter (customer Id must also be supplied)


Request samples

using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class Program
  public static async Task Main(string[] args)
    using (var client = new HttpClient())
      client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Bearer <YOUR_JWT_HERE>");
      var request = await client.GetAsync("");
      var response = await request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();


Response samples

Content type
  • {
  • {

Create/Modify Customer(s)

  • A customer can be either a person or a business. If a customer is a person then both the first and last name fields are required. If the customer is a business then the business name field is required.
  • A customerId can be provided for a new customer, or one can be automatically generated. If the customerId property is left empty, a GUID will be generated for you to reference this customer
  • An address can be added/modified for the customer in the same call as adding/modifying the customer (optional). To add an address in the same call, a NewCustomerAddress object should be included in the CustomerAddress property
  • A phone number can be added/modified for the customer in the same call as adding/modifying the customer (optional). To add an address in the same call, a NewPhoneNumber object should be included in the CustomerPhoneNumber property

Creating Customers

There are several methods available to create customers:
  1. An API call can be made to this endpoint
  2. Using our enrollment widget.
    For more information on our widget, please visit the Widgets home page.
  3. Using our web payments portal, when anonymous customer registration is enabled.
    For more information about our web payments portal, please visit the Web Payments Portal home page
  4. Directly through our website
Regardless of what method is used to create a customer, the customer can be accessed from any method.
Customers created via API can be accessed via API, through our website, or from our widget

To create or modify a customer using our API, you will make a POST call to /customers/.

  • Customer IDs
    • When creating a customer, provide your unique ID that references the customer, and we will use that ID to reference the customer in our system. If you do not provide a Customer ID, a unique GUID will be created as your customer ID and returned to you in the response. You should save this ID back to your system and use it any time you want to reference this customer (such as creating a payment for this customer).
  • Addresses and Phone Numbers
    • You can specify addresses and phone numbers when creating a customer. You can use the same endpoint to add these pieces of data afterwards by submitting the current customer object information and w/ the new addresses and phones to add.
Limit 1000 changes per batch.
bearer (Policy:Roles:AuthenticationSchemes:)
Request Body schema:

customerPostBatchRequest Object

Array of objects (CustomerRequest) Nullable

The list of customerRequests in the post batch.


Request samples

Content type
  • "customerRequests": [

Response samples

Content type
  • "customerBatchResponses": [
  • "customerResults": [

Delete Customers

  • The following customer objects can be deleted: customer Ids, address Ids tied to a specific customer, email addresses tied to a specific customer, and phone numbers tied to a specific customer.
  • Deleting a customer Id will remove the customer from your view
  • A deleted customer will still be able to access their customer profile online using their email address
  • This will stop future scheduled payments associated with this customer from processing
  • Warning: Payments that are scheduled to run the current business day may still process
Limit 1000 deletes per batch.
bearer (Policy:Roles:AuthenticationSchemes:)
query Parameters
Array of strings

List of all customerIds to remove.

Array of strings

List of all addressIds to remove. Passed in list as customerid_addressId combo keys

Array of strings

List of all phoneIds to remove. Passed in list as customerid_phoneId combo keys


Request samples

using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class Program
  public static async Task Main(string[] args)
    using (var client = new HttpClient())
      client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Bearer <YOUR_JWT_HERE>");
      var request = await client.DeleteAsync("");
      var response = await request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();


Response samples

Content type
  • "customerBatchResponses": [

New CONNECT Session

This endpoint creates a new CONNECT session. It is required to be called every time before a CONNECT session is launched. This endpoint does not require an Authorization header. Supply the CONNECT ClientId and ClientSecret (different from your API credentials) in the body.

When a CONNECT session is created, you can do a few different things with it

  • Launch it in your app or website
  • Send the user a text message with a link to access CONNECT
  • Send the user an e-mail with a link to access CONNECT
  • Capture the URL and provide it to your customer

To launch CONNECT within your app or website

  1. Include our library in your app or website
  2. Call this endpoint to create a session
  3. Supply the token returned from this endpoint to your app or website

To send your customer a text/e-mail with a link

  1. When calling this endpoint, specify notificationType=1 for SMS or 2 for e-mail TIP: You can provide your webhook URL to know when your customer completes CONNECT

To give your customer a URL to access CONNECT

  1. Call this endpoint
  2. In the response, capture the URL. This URL can be provided to your customer up until the expiration time.

For integration details, please see

bearer (Policy:Roles:AuthenticationSchemes:)
Request Body schema:

A CONNECT request object that contains your CONNECT token, customer PII, and startup options

object (TokenRequest)
object (CONNECTWidgetTokenRequestCustomer)
object (CONNECTWidgetTokenRequestTerms)
object (CONNECTWidgetTokenRequestSettings)
integer <int32> (WidgetRequestNotificationType)
Enum: 0 1 2


Request samples

Content type
  • "token": {
  • "customer": {
  • "terms": {
  • "settings": {
  • "notificationType": 0

Response samples

Content type

Get Account Details from CONNECT session

The client has 24 hours to retrieve an account from our bank linking process. The enrollment token is required in order to retrieve the account information.

bearer (Policy:Roles:AuthenticationSchemes:)
path Parameters

The accountTokenId of the account registered to ValidiFI.


Request samples

using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class Program
  public static async Task Main(string[] args)
    using (var client = new HttpClient())
      client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Bearer <YOUR_JWT_HERE>");
      var AccountTokenId = "YOUR_accountTokenId_PARAMETER";
      var request = await client.GetAsync("" + AccountTokenId + "/export");
      var response = await request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();


Response samples

Content type
  • "institutionName": "Fifth Third Bank",
  • "accountType": "Checking",
  • "accountHolderName": "John M Doe",
  • "routingNumber": "042000314",
  • "accountNumber": "1234567",
  • "accountNickname": "Johns Free Checking Account x4234",
  • "lastAvailableBalance": 1220,
  • "lastCurrentBalance": 1220

Get Account Details from CONNECT session

The client has 24 hours to retrieve an account from our bank linking process. The enrollment token is required in order to retrieve the account information. This specific endpoint (exportraw) includes a rawAccountNumber field that returns the account number as we received it from the bank.

bearer (Policy:Roles:AuthenticationSchemes:)
path Parameters

The accountTokenId of the account registered to ValidiFI.


Request samples

using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class Program
  public static async Task Main(string[] args)
    using (var client = new HttpClient())
      client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Bearer <YOUR_JWT_HERE>");
      var AccountTokenId = "YOUR_accountTokenId_PARAMETER";
      var request = await client.GetAsync("" + AccountTokenId + "/exportraw");
      var response = await request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();


Response samples

Content type
  • "institutionName": "Fifth Third Bank",
  • "accountType": "Checking",
  • "accountHolderName": "John M Doe",
  • "routingNumber": "042000314",
  • "accountNumber": "1234567",
  • "accountNickname": "Johns Free Checking Account x4234",
  • "lastAvailableBalance": 1220,
  • "lastCurrentBalance": 1220

Transaction History

This endpoint will return transactions for a specific linked account. This endpoint can only be called after a user login has been created and the account has been synced. Transactions can be returned by a webhook or through the endpoint. Default date range is set to 90 days before todays date. You can set a date range using this object. Just make sure the date range is between 90 days.
bearer (Policy:Roles:AuthenticationSchemes:)
path Parameters

The account token (either generated when the account was initially created, or provided by you)

query Parameters
string <date-time>

Custom date range start date time.

string <date-time>

Customer date range end date time.


Request samples

using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class Program
  public static async Task Main(string[] args)
    using (var client = new HttpClient())
      client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Bearer <YOUR_JWT_HERE>");
      var AccountTokenId = "YOUR_accountTokenId_PARAMETER";
      var AccountToken = "YOUR_accountToken_PARAMETER";
      var request = await client.GetAsync("" + AccountToken + "?startDateTime=2019-08-24T14%3A15%3A22Z&endDateTime=2019-08-24T14%3A15%3A22Z");
      var response = await request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();


Response samples

Content type
  • "userId": "5823BD01-13F6-4D1C-99F2-33B0F3607216",
  • "tokenId": "9279BC87-0A9C-4152-8DCD-4F30D7735FF3",
  • "syncStatus": "Synced",
  • "syncInstructions": "Next step instructions",
  • "challenges": [


Run INSIGHTS Analytics

Run INSIGHTS Analytics

Our data network identifies how often a bank account has been presented for payment and analyzes the bank/payment behavior to better predict financial outcomes.ValidiFI's proprietary database of linkages between accounts and PII elements results in a set of verification and payment behavior attributes that can be used to identify risk, fraud, and ability to afford payment(s) for underwriting / onboarding of bank accounts.

This endpoint can be used to run any of our insights products.You must provide the correct ProductId in the request.

ProductId 1: Bank QUALIFY
BankQUALIFY identifies account ownership, flags potential fraud and assesses payment affordability risk based on six simple attributes.

ProductId 2: Bank VERIFY+
BankVERIFY+ identifies fraud and payment affordability risk based on an applicant’s bank account history with routing and account numbers and a few pieces of PII.

ProductId 3: Bank LOGIN+
BankLOGIN+ performs analytics on bank account transaction data by using transaction and account data from any aggregator.You must pass your third-party aggregator data into this endpoint. To use ValidiFI’s CONNECT widget to capture credentialed account details, please see theCONNECT Documentation.
bearer (Policy:Roles:AuthenticationSchemes:)
Request Body schema:

Insights request object

integer <int32> [ 1 .. 3 ]

This value must be 1 for BankQUALIFY, 2 for BankVERIFY+, or 3 for BankLOGIN+


Provide the unique application or customer id from your system.


ValidiFI's InquiryId

object (InsightAccount)
number <double>

The total amount of the loan, the offer amount for a credit product, or the maximum amount of spending allowed. If you do not have a total amount at this time, use an estimate or average. When being used at the top of an underwriting waterfall, the median amount is recommended.


The terms of the repayment schedule. Available options are daily_oblig, weekly_oblig, biweekly_oblig, or monthly_oblig.

number <double>

The amount of each payment, or the median payment/spending amount.


Defualt value is set to false.

object (InsightsConsumer)
object (InsightsBusiness)
object (InsightsBLP)


Request samples

Content type
  • "productId": 1,
  • "referenceId": "A72F817B-744F-4D1F-B347-71E026D0B181",
  • "inquiryId": null,
  • "account": {
  • "offerAmount": 6000,
  • "terms": "daily_oblig",
  • "paymentAmount": 500,
  • "refresh": false,
  • "consumer": {
  • "business": null,
  • "blp": null

Response samples

Content type
  • "inquiryId": "8f49a5ea-529c-4d36-87f8-dc4dbc53c75f",
  • "inquiryDate": "2023-12-15T16:38:30.2377351Z",
  • "status": {
  • "bqAccountAnalyticsResult": {


Get INSIGHTS Results

Use this endpoint to retrieve the results from a previous run of BankQUALIFY, BankVERIFY+, or BankLOGIN+.

For inquiries previously ran via an API call, provide the inquiryId returned from the original API results.

For inquiries previously ran using the CONNECT widget, use the inquiryId and inquiryType received from the complete event. For more information about CONNECT event handling, see For details on using the CONNECT widget, please visit the CONNECT documentation here:
  • ProductId 1 : Bank QUALIFY
  • ProductId 2 : Bank VERIFY+
  • ProductId 3 : Bank LOGIN+
bearer (Policy:Roles:AuthenticationSchemes:)
path Parameters
integer <int32>

The productId from the INSIGHTS request


The id of the inquiry id returned from the INSIGHTS request


Request samples

using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class Program
  public static async Task Main(string[] args)
    using (var client = new HttpClient())
      client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Bearer <YOUR_JWT_HERE>");
      var ProductId = "YOUR_productId_PARAMETER";
      var InquiryId = "YOUR_inquiryId_PARAMETER";
      var request = await client.GetAsync("" + ProductId + "/" + InquiryId);
      var response = await request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();


Response samples

Content type
  • "inquiryId": "e3874349-2f51-4221-a277-1e88e4c28c10",
  • "inquiryDate": "2023-12-15T16:38:30.2500179Z",
  • "status": {
  • "bqAccountAnalyticsResult": {


AffordAI Affordability Report

The AffordAI Affordability Report is an easy-to-read presentation of BankLOGIN+ insights results. With AffordAI, your users will get instant access to identity and account verification, cash flow trends, affordability recommendations and transaction histories—all in a single PDF document.

Click here for the AffordAI integration guide, sample reports, and an operations reference guide.

Run the AffordAI Report

To generate the PDF report, send a BankLOGIN+ inquiry ID to this endpoint. The advanced calculations made in this report rely on the latest data, so the AffordAI report must be requested with a BankLOGIN+ v2.0 inquiry ID. You may optionally provide your own referenceId to tie this report to a specific customer or event in your system.

Response types

The AffordAI response object contains a status module for HTTP 200 and 400 responses. There are 4 possible statusCodes:
  1. Success
  2. Success with non-fatal errors
  3. Fatal error from request format
  4. Fatal error from dependency
StatusCode 1 or 2 responses will contain a fileData object. The report file is returned as a base 64 string in You can convert this base 64 string into a PDF file.

Error codes and simulation

Errors are listed in the response as an array in the status.errors object.
1Fatal: blpInquiryId could not be found in the request body
2Fatal: blpInquiryId was not in the correct format
3Fatal: This blpInquiryId does not exist or you are not authorized to access this request
4Fatal: This blpInquiryId is not supported. AffordAI requires BankLOGIN+ 2.0 or above
5Fatal: This blpInquiryId was not a successful BankLOGIN+ inquiry
6Fatal: Could not connect to BankLOGIN+
7Caution: Limited data available
8Caution: blpInquiryId was found but ReferenceId does not match
9Fatal: Could not connect to Microsoft Power BI
10Fatal: Microsoft Power BI did not recognize the requested report
11Fatal: Microsoft Power BI failed to return the requested report
12Caution: Microsoft Power BI was successful but took longer than expected
13Fatal: Could not parse this blpInquiryId
15Fatal: Database error

To simulate a given error, include the optional simulate integer field in the request body. For instance, the following request will return an HTTP 400 response with status.statusCode = 3 and status.errors[0].errorCode = 13.

"blpInquiryId": "9ff19261-a380-4a37-807e-e40002060f7c",
"referenceId": "A72F817B-744F-4D1F-B347-71E026D0B181",
"simulate": 13

To simulate a full success with no errors (statusCode 1), enter “simulate”: 0. The response fields will mimic a live report pull but does not return a full base64 string, making it a much faster option for network or endpoint testing than the non-simulated option.

bearer (Policy:Roles:AuthenticationSchemes:)
Request Body schema:
string non-empty

The InquiryId from a BankLOGIN+ result

string <= 100 characters

The ID of the customer in your system. If this ReferenceId does not match with the CustomerId specified in the BankLOGIN+ inquiry, the CustomerId in the BankLOGIN+ inquiry is used instead.

integer <int32> Nullable

Enables the simulation of AffordAI error codes


Request samples

Content type
  • "blpInquiryId": "9ff19261-a380-4a37-807e-e40002060f7c",
  • "referenceId": "A72F817B-744F-4D1F-B347-71E026D0B181"

Response samples

Content type
  • "reportId": "64B65EDA-0A61-407A-B83F-EE1D5E991B70",
  • "referenceId": "A72F817B-744F-4D1F-B347-71E026D0B181",
  • "status": {
  • "fileData": {